Episode 10: Poor People’s Campaign-Guest, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

Unleash Generosity
Unleash Generosity
Episode 10: Poor People's Campaign-Guest, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

With election day upon us, Christian author, speaker, and peace and social-justice advocate Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove joins me to discuss faith and political engagement. In this episode, the second of a two part conversation, Jonathan shares about two New Monastic Intentional Christian Communities: the Rutba House, where he lives in Durham, NC, and the Simple Way in Philadelphia, PA. Connecting back to part one of our conversation, Jonathan talks about the Poor People’s Campaign and the call for a shifting of the moral narrative in the United States to care for marginalized people. Subscribe to the podcast and learn more about Unleash Generosity at www.unleashgenerosity.org or find us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

Show Notes

Poor People’s Campaign-A National Call for Moral Revival

The Simple Way

Christian Community Development Association

School for Conversion

The Rule of St. Benedict: A Contemporary Paraphrase

To Baghdad and Beyond: How I Got Born Again in Babylon

Strangers at My Door: A True Story of Finding Jesus in Unexpected Guests

Reba Place Fellowship

Reba Place Church

Rutba House, New Monasticism, and more about Jonathan

Ibram X. Kendi’s How to be an Antiracist

Inspired Podcast Interview with Jonathan

Daniel Couper Music, heard throughout the episode