20: S2E7 Langston Center-Guest, Adam Dickson

Aaron is pleased to be joined by a guest co-host for the first time! Herandy Lucas Pino joined Aaron for a wide-ranging interview with Adam Dickson. Adam is the Director of the Langston Multicultural Center in Johnson City, TN. Adam is a well respected elected official, civic leader, and self-proclaimed “community gadfly.” He is a […]
19: S2E6 Values Series: Respect

Welcome to part 3 of a 6 episode series exploring VALUES that can guide our individual lives as well as the cultures of our faith communities and organizations to be healthier. In this episode Aaron discusses Respect. Growing out of the first two values of Humility and Hospitality, Aaron suggests that embodying a posture of […]
18: S2E5 Join Pond-Guest, Mitch Stein

Pond is the most powerful, positive disruptor of the non-profit sector I’ve encountered in my time in the industry. Offering a marketplace where non-profits are paid real dollars to discover the best business and technology solutions in the industry, Pond is flipping the business paradigm on its head. I was truly humbled to be joined […]
17: Bonus-Christianity Today-Guest, Daniel Silliman

This bonus episode is a companion to episode 15 (Season 2 Episode 3) with Daniel Silliman, news editor for Christianity Today . Daniel’s months of investigative journalism led to the revelation of sexual and emotional abuse by Christian apologist and founder of RZIM, Ravi Zacharias. In the bonus episode we focus primarily on Daniel’s book, Reading Evangelicals: How […]
16: S2E4 Values Series: Hospitality

In the second of a six part VALUES series, host Aaron Scott discusses the posture of Hospitality. This episode builds on the first value of Humility discussed in Episode 14 (Season 2 Episode 2). The Humility conversation focused on the reality that none of us are perfect and we all need to learn and grow […]
15: S2E3 Christianity Today-Guest, Daniel Silliman

Trauma, abuse, and violence in faith communities is a challenging topic because our spiritual communities should be safe spaces. Unfortunately, faith leaders are routinely being identified as abusers and ousted from their roles because of inappropriate behavior. In many cases, faith communities and non-profits are both failing to prevent abuse and actively trying to cover […]
14: S2E2 Values Series-Humility

Host Aaron Scott introduces Humility as the first of six core values that will be described throughout Season 2. Each of the other five values (hospitality, collaboration, respect, intentional engagement, and radical imagination) will be featured in an upcoming episode. Subscribe to the podcast and learn more about Unleash Generosity at https://unleashgenerosity.org. Get involved with the […]
13: S2E1 Where Have You Been…Where Are You Going?

Season 2 begins with Aaron sharing about his personal and professional journey over the last 18 months that included the break between seasons 1 and 2. Aaron then plays a segment of a sermon by Tim Ross titled Climbing the Mountains delivered at Hopwood Christian Church on 5/1/22. Reflecting on the sermon, Aaron casts a vision of […]
Season 2 Trailer

Season 2 of the Unleash Generosity Podcast will be available on Saturday June 11 on any of your favorite podcast directories or streaming services as well as on the Unleash Generosity website: https://unleashgenerosity.org/. Subscribe on the Unleash Generosity website or wherever you listen to podcasts so you don’t miss the in-depth interviews host Aaron Scott will have with […]
Episode 12: 100+Tri-Cities Women Who Care-Guests, Claire Marr, Nancy Knight, and KC St. Louis

As we enter the holiday season, we kick off a series of episodes focused on creatively mobilizing philanthropy. Three women, Claire Marr, Nancy Knight, and KC St. Louis share about why they’ve found participating in 100+ Tri-Cities Women Who Care to be meaningful. Subscribe to the podcast and learn more about Unleash Generosity at www.unleashgenerosity.org or find […]